• Business Concepts,  CE Hour Classes,  Defining Expectations,  Massage Business

    Are You Struggling in Your Massage Business?

    I wanted to speak from the heart with you for a minute. Do you know what I hate to see happen in the massage industry? Amazing therapists, just like you, who give up on your business and quit because you don’t know how to get and keep enough clients to earn a living at massage therapy. Is this you? Are you sinking in despair, feeling like you aren’t going to make it, want to quit or give up because it is just too damn hard. You need money (today), you need clients (today), and you need to know that not only can you pay your bills next month but that…

  • CE Hour Classes,  Defining Expectations,  Massage Business,  Pain Patterns,  Products

    How Do You Find Success as a Massage Therapist?

    When you are just starting out in massage, you have this vision of success that you are striving towards. That place has a secure feeling in your mind. It is the place where your schedule is full of paying clients. It is the place of financial freedom and achievement. It is an accomplishment to get to this place in any career where you are so busy that you actually can’t take more clients.

  • Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations,  Massage Therapy

    What Is Touch Interpretation?

    At the heart of it, Touch Interpretation is a form of art that is really about you: Your filters Your experiences Your ability to sense; intuition Your ability to read into what your client tells you about their needs and body Your latest training and understanding Your hands leading the experience, with your mind close behind (not the other way around) As many new therapists discover, there is a natural gap that exists between learning massage techniques and how your touch becomes 2nd nature to you and your clients. The gap closes the longer you practice massage and understand your new skills. However, I believe that there are ways that…

  • Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations

    Taking the Guesswork Out Massage by Defining Expectations

    When someone contacts you for a massage appointment, he or she is not just looking for a “rub.”  They are actually looking for a “massage experience.” In my years of working on people, I have observed that most people start looking for massage as a health treatment option when they are experiencing four common motivators. They have a need, defined or undefined, and they just want to “feel” different. The client has a painful area and they want it resolved. Their muscles (and mind) are tired and need “something.” They want to improve their physical performance for running, a weight lifting competition, or “fill in the blank” area of athletics.…

  • Autoimmune,  Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Massage Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Cause and Effect

    For my entire career, this is something I have been constantly trying to find. The illusive bridge; the real answers to healing that “bridge the gap” between hands-on techniques and real pain management. This searching has turned into something like mission for me now. Throughout my time at the massage table, working with a variety of bodies, I can tell you that the techniques and concepts that I have discovered that work the greatest with trying to bridge the gap between cause and effect for pain management are not techniques. They are governing principles about how the body heals itself, regardless of the technique applied. I call these healing applications…

  • Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations

    How to Influence and Win CLIENTS

    In today’s blog topic I am going to quote Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. I highly recommend this read for anyone starting out in business or needing a refresher on business etiquette and life protocol. This book was written in 1936 –  82 years ago people! What he learned then is the same now when it comes to what people like to feel from someone else.  It even defies technology. Mr. Carnegie listed 6 ways to make people like you. Now, “make” doesn’t mean you are going to force people to like you. It’s quite the contrary. These are the attitudes and behaviors that just…

  • Autoimmune,  Defining Expectations,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    The Autoimmune Client: Can Massage Really Help?

    The 3 Things to Know When You Give a Massage to a Client with an Autoimmune Disease This is a topic that I understand too well and could write an entire book on! But not today. Today I am going to give you some things to think about that might answer some questions for you and possibly change how you massage someone with an autoimmune disease for the better. Having a history of an autoimmune disease myself, I can tell you from personal experience what massage can do and cannot do for someone like me. I can also tell you what really helps and what sets me back so quickly…

  • Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations

    The 3 Keys to Getting Clients to Reschedule

    The 3 Keys to Getting Clients to Reschedule You work hard for each and every client you get to schedule with you for the first time. You try your hardest and do you best work to showcase your skills when that first time client comes to see you. They tell you it was a great massage – and then they don’t reschedule. Why? Was there something you did not do correctly? Did the client want something different and didn’t tell you? What can you do? Ask yourself this question and answer it: Why do you go back to a therapist you like? Or even better yet! What makes you NOT…

  • Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations

    The 3 Problems that Create Low Client Retention

    You work hard to get every client you can on your table. It costs money and time to get them there. It is very important that you keep them If you are losing even 10% of your clientele that is too much! How do you enhance your skills so that you keep as many clients as you can? How do you meet the unique expectations of each client to help them enjoy your service so much that they consistently reschedule with you? Honestly, the best way to solve this problem is to look at it from the therapist’s perspective and then the clients’ perspective. Typically, the answers can be found…