When you are just starting out in massage, you have this vision of success that you are striving towards. That place has a secure feeling in your mind. It is the place where your schedule is full of paying clients. It is the place of financial freedom and achievement. It is an accomplishment to get to this place in any career where you are so busy that you actually can’t take more clients.
The Missing Link to Break the Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle
In the old model, one would target the pain or muscle tension to try to break the cycle – anything that would put you closer to the original problem of the cycle which is typically pain. In the Pain Patters and Solutions (PPS) model, it shows you that you target the healed outcome of the injury – Scar Tissue patterns – to create the greatest possible change in the muscular system. When you target Scar Tissue instead of muscle tissue or areas of pain, you have found the bypass or stop-switch you have been looking for to stop the pain-spasm-pain model As you can also see there are 2 additional…
NEW 2 CE Hour Sciatica & Piriformis Pain Class Available!
Click here to view the 2 CE Hour Piriformis Pain Course inside the PPS Seminars.
Pain Levels
Pain Levels, Let Them Guide You! Use the 4-Point Pain-Change as a Guide On a pain scale of 1 to 10, the most realistic decrease you should strive for is a 4 point change in one massage session. Now, I know what you are thinking, “But I want to help my client MORE! I want them to go from an 8 to a zero!” We would all love to be able to do that for the people we serve. However, what you need to realize is that in a well-meaning way, by trying harder to get rid of someone’s pain, many times you can actually create more pain for your clients by…
Inflammation and Distribution of Energy
Inflammation and Distribution of Energy So many of us have no idea of what inflammation is really about. As massage therapists, we understand what it is, how it feels, and what it does. But what do you do to help GET RID of it? I have spent over 20 years watching inflammation and the effects of what inflammation can do with my clients. In those 2 decades, I have observed some interesting facts about inflammation and how we are continually working with it – or more often than not -against it. I found that the human machine has its own predetermined codes for distribution of energy and system fails or fail-safes.…