• Pain Management,  Pain Patterns and Treatment

    What is Pain Patterns and Solutions (PPS) Bodywork?

    A couple of years ago, one of my Pain Patterns & Solutions Bodyworkers asked me to write a post about PPS bodywork as a resource for clients so that they could understand how PPS works. I have started this post several times but honestly it has taken me a couple of years to really bring all those thoughts together in a way that made it simple to explain. I don’t think she knew at the time how much her request has inspired me. Ever since she asked me to write this, I have been trying to find a way to simplify what PPS is. It was hard to pull all…

  • Massage Therapy,  Pain Patterns,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    The Missing Link to Break the Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle

    In the old model, one would target the pain or muscle tension to try to break the cycle – anything that would put you closer to the original problem of the cycle which is typically pain. In the Pain Patters and Solutions (PPS) model, it shows you that you target the healed outcome of the injury – Scar Tissue patterns – to create the greatest possible change in the muscular system. When you target Scar Tissue instead of muscle tissue or areas of pain, you have found the bypass or stop-switch you have been looking for to stop the pain-spasm-pain model As you can also see there are 2 additional…

  • Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    EASY Pectoralis Major Solution

    PAIN PATTERN: Pectoralis Major Trigger Points or “Tight Pecs” THE ANSWER: Scar Tissue on the Forehead I know what you’re thinking. What does my Forehead have to do with my pecs being tight? LOTS This is a solution that I find works GREAT with athletics, specifically bodybuilders. But it is not limited to just those trying to build and improve their muscles. This is a common problem for anyone who has a repetitive motion syndrome that uses the Pec muscles. Some other considerations are: If you have been trying to get your client’s pecs to release and they continually stay tight, locked, and painful the PPS Reverse Trigger Pointing Solution…

  • Massage Therapy,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Self-Care, Salt(?) and YOU – the Massage Therapist!

    As bodyworkers and massage therapists, we know that we need to GET bodywork to keep GIVING bodywork. But, what else do we need to do that is classified in the realm of “self-care”? Working with people in the way that we do- touching for prolonged periods of time- makes our self-care a bit more involved and perhaps a little different than you’d think. There are 3 areas to consider about our bodies when it comes to self-care: Regular bodywork The Scar Tissue Patterns our body creates Electricity and Salt Regular Bodywork Getting frequent bodywork is only part of this equation. But overall, you have to realize that you are using…

  • Massage Therapy,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Where Does a Lumbar Bulging Disc Start?

    Your back is really hurting, and the Doctor tells you that you have a bulging disc in your lower back. There is pain down your leg and your foot is tingly and numb. Now what? The first thing I tell my clients is that you don’t just “get” a bulging disc one day. There are certain factors that start creating a bulging disc, typically years before it ever shows up. The question you have to start asking yourself is this: If the reaction to those factors ends up being a bulging disc, then what are the actions that caused it to begin with? Because if you work with those factors…

  • Massage Therapy,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Do You Have a Pain in Your Neck?

    We have a treat for you in today’s blog post for Cervical Neck Pain! Included in this post are 3 short hands-on videos from our series PAINLess which are “quick fixes” for Trigger Point Patterns for the general public and hands-on for therapists as an introduction to the PPS Concepts. PPS (Pain Patterns & Solutions) Bodywork has a couple of unique solutions for Cervical Neck Pain. Today, we are going to cover: Back of the Neck (C2-C7) Base of the Skull (C1 Release Technique) Back of the Neck Pain from Whiplash (Platysma) Back of the Neck (C2-C7) We teach what is called a Direct Correlation for Cervical Neck Pain in…

  • Autoimmune,  Business Concepts,  Defining Expectations,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Massage Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Cause and Effect

    For my entire career, this is something I have been constantly trying to find. The illusive bridge; the real answers to healing that “bridge the gap” between hands-on techniques and real pain management. This searching has turned into something like mission for me now. Throughout my time at the massage table, working with a variety of bodies, I can tell you that the techniques and concepts that I have discovered that work the greatest with trying to bridge the gap between cause and effect for pain management are not techniques. They are governing principles about how the body heals itself, regardless of the technique applied. I call these healing applications…

  • Autoimmune,  Business Concepts,  Pain Patterns and Treatment

    Saving Your Hands: Amy’s Massage Therapy Do’s and Dont’s

    I have been wanting to write this article for some time. I have a story to tell you and it doesn’t necessarily have a happy ending BUT the outcome is looking brighter all the time. In January of this year, after 25 years of working at a massage table, I was forced to retire. I had surgery on my left thumb (ouch) because I wore the bone off doing massage. I tease people and tell them I literally worked my fingers to the bone – because that is exactly what I did. Occupational hazard? Yes, mostly, with a little auto-immune stuff thrown in for “fun”. But overall this is one…

  • Business Concepts,  Pain Patterns and Treatment

    The 3 Causes of Being “Mentally Stuck” in Your Massage Therapy Business

    Working for yourself, no matter the career choice, can be mentally challenging. You will go through periods of time where you love your career and business; you are excited for the possibilities every day! Other times you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning and face your “must-do” list. It becomes a HUGE mental chore to just motivate yourself to do things that help you be successful. Having been a massage therapist for 25 years, I understand both of those mental places very well. I have had to learn how to keep myself feeling motivate about my career and at the same time, stop the mental exhaustion…

  • Business Concepts,  Pain Patterns and Treatment

    Why Massage Therapists Feel They Can’t Raise Their Rates

    How Do I Raise My Rates? Let’s say you have been a therapist for 5 years and have worked very hard to create your clientele. Your schedule is full most of the time and feel that you have created a good business for yourself. However, your fees and rates are still the same as they were when you started practicing and you feel like it is now time to start making more money without working more hours. BUT then the “fear” starts to creep in and you are not sure HOW or IF you should raise your rates. Some of the questions that are probably going through your mind right…