• Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing

    Chronic Inflammation and OTC Anti-Inflammatory Medication

    I recently finished treating a 17-year-old gymnast for chronic to acute pain in her mid-back, hips, pelvis, knees, ankles, neck, shoulders and other areas too numerous to mention. To make this simple, she was a wreck of chronic injury and pain. For this young athlete, it seemed we were constantly battling with a lack of healing in the body. No matter what approach I took, we could not progress in helping her body heal. She decided she was tired of being exhausted and hurting all the time and took a break from her training. We were both surprised when she started hurting more – a lot more. After sending her…

  • Reverse Triggerpointing

    Reverse Triggerpointing

    What is Reverse Triggerpointing? It is exactly what it says. It is the opposite of Triggerpointing. “Triggerpointing” is when you apply pressure directly to the center of a Triggerpoint, trying to “deactivate” the pain signal and inflammation. Reverse Triggerpointing is a technique that allows you to “deactivate” a Triggerpoint through other tissues related to that Triggerpoint. You never actually touch the triggered area but affect it greatly. How is that possible? It is simple. All the body is doing is following a common law of physics that states: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. (Newton’s third law of Physics) Triggerpoints are the “reaction” to some other kind…