• Defining Expectations,  Pain Patterns and Treatment,  Reverse Triggerpointing,  Uncategorized

    K.I.S.S. for Pain Managment Massage Therapy

    This week I was reminded to “keep it simple sweetheart”. I teach and teach about only doing enough massage work to change pain 4 points (on a 10 point scale) and then leave the body alone to heal on its own. I also teach that when someone’s pain level is 5 and under that you can start shifting from doing Scar Tissue work into more regular style of bodywork and massage. Scar Tissue massage really works best on clients whose pain level is 5 or higher. That is because working with Scar Tissue changes inflammation – almost immediately – through changing pain levels. The less pain you have the less inflammation…

  • Pain Patterns,  Uncategorized

    Inflammation and Distribution of Energy

    Inflammation and Distribution of Energy So many of us have no idea of what inflammation is really about. As massage therapists, we understand what it is, how it feels, and what it does. But what do you do to help GET RID of it? I have spent over 20 years watching inflammation and the effects of what inflammation can do with my clients. In those 2 decades, I have observed some interesting facts about inflammation and how we are continually working with it – or more often than not -against it. I found that the human machine has its own predetermined codes for distribution of energy and system fails or fail-safes.…

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    S.O.A.P. Charting is a pain in your….wallet?

    Many Massage Therapists really wonder if they need to keep charts and notes of their clientele. It just seems like busy work. But not keeping paper work for your clients and business can have a HUGE, negative impact like in the following 3 scenarios. Scenario #1: It’s been a LONG day at the massage table. You have seen 6 clients today and you have the same number of sessions tomorrow. You had several good sessions today that you really should write down so that you can remember what helped client #2 with their back pain and client #5 with their shoulder pain. Plus Client # 1 really liked the new…

  • Uncategorized

    Referral Systems ARE Finding Success for the Massage Therapist Who Wants to Succeed

    This blog pertains to the flier included in the book I wrote titled: Finding Success for the Massage Therapist Who Wants To Succeed. Using all the elements that I knew did work (for obtaining new clients), I typed up a flier and put it on a brightly colored cardstock. I gave the flier and some of my business cards with the referral area on the back to 10 motivating people in whom I felt certain would spread the word about me. If I didn’t know the person and they were not already a current client, I offered these enthused future clients a free massage with me – just schedule and…

  • Uncategorized

    Massage Business Methods …Begins

    Welcome to my blog. My name is Amy Bradley Radford and I have been a Massage Therapists since 1993 and massage educator since 1995. I decided to put this blog together to help others in this hands-on profession learn some hands-on tricks of the trade – a ‘la Amy. I love massage. I love the business of massage. My day begins each day at the table, working on the people that have become important to me in many ways. I touch bodies for a living and try to help people simply through my hands – my mind and heart. But our jobs aren’t just simply touching and that’s it. There…