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The 3 Things You Need to Realize About the Future of Massage Training

“I cant train for massage online”.

I hear this ALL THE TIME! It seems like when I am in a grocery store I run into a local therapist that wants to know if I am going to be hosting any continuing education massage classes in my community soon. My answer is always the same “No – but hey! I have classes online you could take. There are even some FREE CE classes to get you started!”

I almost always get this answer: “Oh I cant learn on the computer – its just too hard for me to figure it out!”. Ill ask them if they have tried these classes and the answer is always no.

Do you know how I KNOW its going to be NO before they even reply? Because if they had tried the classes inside the Massage Business Methods Training Center or PPS Training Center, they would realize that it is actually very EASY to train online. And that once you try it, it is actually quite enjoyable – dare I say FUN?!

Are You One of These People?

Let’s be really honest here. There is no better way to learn massage than in a live setting with an instructor to show, help, and expand your skills.

The TRUTH, however, is that it is much easier, faster, and cheaper to get your CE hours online! Gosh – its even FREE if you want to do it 1 CE at a time.

So, there are 3 things that I want you to realize about the future of massage training and how it impacts YOU.

#1 – The future of massage training – the whole landscape – HAS ALREADY changed.

The way it used to be, the weekend seminars FULL of eager people ready to learn, is disappearing.

Yes, there are still live seminars but they are becoming fewer and more expensive to attend. It is purely an example of economics; supply and demand. This is progress – for better or worse – and it has become a new standard for training.

#2 – As a CE provider who charges for their training, I can’t compete with FREE (but I can offer more VALUE).

Since you can get all your credits for free, you don’t even have to pay for your CE hours anymore. But do FREE CEs give you value you are looking for?

This is where you will find the difference between just getting your CE hours online cheaply OR receiving training that gives you insight, business clarity, hands-on skills, hope, change, and success. In essence, VALUE.

That value is what people are feeling when they attend a live training. Value is what people want when they say they want a live seminar. Embrace that word right now: VALUE and let me share something with you.

My number one goal is to give you such value that it changes your perspective about learning online. I have worked really hard to develop online training that has VALUE for each one of you. I also put together classes the way I would like to take online training.

I want a teacher, visual stimulation, video, audio, and I want to walk away from a class with at least ONE great idea that has VALUE. Something that makes a difference in your business or with your clients. Something that changes the way you touch people for the better and build you business into something solid and viable.

Do you get that from your FREE CE Hours or from just “reading” until you are cross-eyed and just want to take the test and be done?! Try a class with me, “feel” the difference, and experience the VALUE in training this way.

#3 – You are going to have to apply yourself and have some commitment to learning.

I have issued certificates of completion to people who attended my class but never truly earned them. Why? Because while they showed up physically to class, mentally they didn’t care. Or people attending weekend seminars also tell me that the class was so FAST that they need to take it again to really get what they needed.

That right there is the beauty of on-line vs live training. You pay once (or monthly in our program to be affordable) with online and get to review as many times as you need to. You pay once for a live class and you only get it once + a manual you have to review on your own (wishing the teacher was there to answer your questions).

VALUE lies in repetition. On-line training (done right) can give you repetition and help you be more successful than live classes. The VALUE in a live training many times leaves with the teacher. And that is frustrating!

Training online does require that YOU push yourself. YOU have to do the work. YOU have to step up and apply yourself. YOU have to try. But I already know that if what you are learning is inspiring, learning it online is a piece of cake!

I promise you – if you will do that, I will meet you half way and be the teacher that is always there offering value. Just like a live class. Try it and see for yourself how having VALUE in training creates more success. And makes all the difference – what do you have to lose?

Amy Bradley Radford is a board-certified massage therapist and has been practicing massage therapy for over 30 years. She is an NCBTMB continuing education provider in areas of business, ethics, and advanced pain management. She is the owner of PPS Seminars (Pain Patterns & Solutions) which hosts live training as well as offering a full, online training center for massage therapists to learn advanced pain management. Amy is also the owner of Massage Business Methods and Maximize Your Massage Business Coaching. As a regular contributing writer for Massage Magazine with her monthly column “Advanced Business Strategies”, she provides the tools for other massage therapists to help their clients and manage a successful business.

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