Massage Business,  Massage Therapy

What is Massage?

This is my first blog post in almost 2 years.

I have been MIA since the world changed in the pandemic which changed my world as an online massage educator and trainer. I have done a lot of thinking and changing in that time, reorganizing businesses and discovering what I truly wanted to do.

It’s funny that I chose to do the exact same thing that I did before – which is to teach and train in business and advanced pain management massage techniques – just in a more simple and profound way.

I believe in massage therapy as a healing art and holistic practice. I always have. So, I am choosing to start my renewed purpose-driven blogging with something I wrote years ago about massage. I hope you enjoy it!

You can additional find me at:

Massage is an art.

It is something you create to become uniquely your own.

It is an expression of yourself and your growth in life.

Massage is also an ultimate gift of giving.

You circulate and interact with the energy of the person you work on,

share the energy of yourself, and between and around the two of you

is the universal energy that feeds us all.

The interaction of all these energies creates what we feel as massage.

Massage encompasses more than the physical body.

It is a triad of healing; physical, emotional (mental), and spiritual

As the therapist, we facilitate or allow the healing process to take place

in this vessel we call a “human-being” – something concrete

in a constant state of change – by creating a space for them

where there is peace, calmness, healing, and love.

We must remember that it is the individual that does the healing.

We only create and support that healing space.

We do not control it neither can we make it to work or bend it to our will.

We merely dance with this “being” and allow them to “be”.

You as a massage therapist have a responsibility

to not stand in the way of the process of healing.

Yet without you, different depths of healing do not occur.

We must always be present when these being entrust us with their care.

One of the greatest words and actions for a massage therapist

to fully understand is “allowing”. We allow the body to change.

We allow the being to trust. We allow the being to experience.

We allow them to process. We allow them to cry.

We allow their emotions and spirit to come forward.

We hold the space for them so that the mind, body, and spirit can come together.

And as it is the truth in all things, we must first be “allowing” to ourselves.

We also have an incredible responsibility with these beings.

Never break their trust. Never hurt them.

Never betray them or their bodies.

Approach the body with respect; head bowed with grace in your touch.

It is amazing what will happen to your “be-ing” and their “be-ing”.

And that, my friend, is massage.

Amy Bradley Radford is a board-certified massage therapist and has been practicing massage therapy for over 30 years. She is an NCBTMB continuing education provider in areas of business, ethics, and advanced pain management. She is the owner of PPS Seminars (Pain Patterns & Solutions) which hosts live training as well as offering a full, online training center for massage therapists to learn advanced pain management. Amy is also the owner of Massage Business Methods and Maximize Your Massage Business Coaching. As a regular contributing writer for Massage Magazine with her monthly column “Advanced Business Strategies”, she provides the tools for other massage therapists to help their clients and manage a successful business.

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